There have been many scripts and solutions written for cleaning up unnecessary files on Windows computers to free up disk space. I’ve used several over the years, but nothing out on the interwebs fit what I thought was the best
Windows 10 Upgrade without Upgrade Readiness
When Microsoft made the Upgrade Readiness solution freely available to anyone back in the Spring of 2017 it was a major step forward in the monumental task of upgrading Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 computers to Windows 10 and keeping
Azure AD Join error code 80180026
When attempting to join Azure AD you are presented with the message “contact your system administrator with the error code 80180026” Something went wrong. Confirm you are using the correct sign-in information and that your organization uses this feature. You
Azure AD join error code 8018000a
Recently when attempting to perform an Azure AD Join with a Windows 10 v1511 computer I got the following error: Something went wrong. The device is already enrolled. You can contact your system administrator with the error code 8018000a. That
Recovering from BCD error 0xC000000D with BitLocker and Hyper-V
I recently had a nasty issue with my seriously awesome laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad P50 with a Samsung 950 Pro NVMe n.2 SSD). After a full shutdown (hold Shift when shutting down Windows 10) on the next power on I got
Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9926 and ConfigMgr
It’s a good day to not be assigned to a customer… Microsoft released Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9926! I took a moment to download all 4 ISO files (Professional and Enterprise, 32 and 64 bit), inventoried the ISOs to
Microsoft Windows distribution channels
If you’ve worked in an IT department for a mid-to-large company you may have run across Microsoft Volume Licensing. I think a tome could be written on the intricacies of the subject, but here I’m only going to touch on
BranchCache for Microsoft Windows Professional
If you ever looked into using BranchCache, you’re likely well aware that the Enterprise or Ultimate editions of Windows Workstation are required to get this peer-2-peer caching functionality. That’s a disappointment for many organizations who aren’t spending the extra money