If you ever looked into using BranchCache, you’re likely well aware that the Enterprise or Ultimate editions of Windows Workstation are required to get this peer-2-peer caching functionality.  That’s a disappointment for many organizations who aren’t spending the extra money to upgrade from the Professional edition.  However, as I learned today in front of a customer (doh!), 2Pint Software is changing that.  This new company is developing tools to allow BranchCache reporting from ConfigMgr as well as enable Windows Professional and Windows PE to utilize BranchCache for HTTP traffic which should make software and OS Deployments a lot less painful across those low-bandwidth sites without the need of a Distribution Point.


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BranchCache Overview – Operating systems for BranchCache client computer functionality @ http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831696.aspx#BKMK_5

BranchCache for OSD Toolkit @ http://2pintsoftware.com/products/branchcache-for-osd-toolkit/

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BranchCache for Microsoft Windows Professional
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