I’m reposting two wiki’s I had written awhile ago.  I don’t really use my wiki anymore so I’m moving some content to my blog.

Finding drivers in a Boot Image

[cc lang=’sql’ line_numbers=’false’]
use CM_xxx
— All Drivers in a Boot Image
select D.CI_ID, D.DriverClass, D.DriverProvider, D.DisplayName, D.DriverType, D.DriverINFFile, D.DriverVersion, D.DriverDate, D.ContentSourcePath, D.CI_ID
from fn_ListDriverCIs(1033) as D
inner join v_BootImagePackage_References as R on D.CI_ID = R.CI_ID
inner join v_BootImagePackage as P on R.PkgID = P.PackageID
where P.Name = ‘MDT Boot Image (x86)’
–and D.DriverINFFile = ‘e1k6232.inf’
–and D.DisplayName = ‘Intel(R) PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter’
— and R.CI_ID = 24948
Order By D.DriverClass, D.DriverProvider, D.DriverVersion

[cc lang=’sql’ line_numbers=’false’]
— All Drivers
select D.DriverClass, D.DriverProvider, D.DisplayName, D.DriverType, D.DriverINFFile, D.DriverVersion, D.DriverDate, D.ContentSourcePath, D.CI_ID
from fn_ListDriverCIs(1033) as D
D.DisplayName like ‘3Com 10/100/1000 PCI’
–and D.DriverINFFile like ‘b57x%’
–and D.DriverProvider like ‘%vmware%’
— and R.CI_ID = 24938
Order By D.DriverClass, D.DriverProvider, D.DriverVersion

Finding boot drivers for OSD

Michael Petersen has a good article on Finding and adding only the correct device driver to the Boot image on his CoreTech blog which is also in the TrueSec July 2011 newsletter.

The day before I saw Michael’s article I worked out a method of using the VEN & DEV ID to find the right driver. I *think* my method is more accurate and will help get the RIGHT driver that is in the SCCM database. I also don’t have to dig through .INF files.

DeviceManager_for_Boot_Devices DeviceManager_Details

[cc lang=’sql’ line_numbers=’false’]
select D.*, DHID.*, DM.*
from v_CI_DriversCIs AS D
inner join v_CI_DriverHardwareIDs AS DHID on DHID.CI_ID = D.CI_ID
inner join v_CI_DriverModels AS DM on DM.CI_ID = D.CI_ID
where DHID.HardwareID = ‘PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10BD’
— D.CI_ID = 24992
— D.DriverINFFile in (‘b57nd60x.inf’,’couide2.inf’)
— DM.ModelName = ‘VMware Accelerated AMD PCNet Adapter’
— DriverBootCritical = 1 Order by HardwareID

After finding the CI_ID from the SQL Query, I search for that in the SCCM Console and add it to the boot disc.

This way I avoid using the name which can have many duplicates.

Drivers and Boot Images
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