The environment variable PATH (combined SYSTEM PATH and USER PATH) can be tricky to parse if you want to check for each folder it contains. This is due to the support of various formatting styles. For example, this is a
The many ways to import the ConfigMgr cmdlet Library module
Over the years I’ve seen and used a variety of PowerShell commands to get the ConfigurationManager.psd1 file location to pass to Import-Module Just for fun, I compiled a list of the different methods. It’s all about string manipulation. [read-more-redirect urltext=””
GitHub embedding
This is an example of embedding a GitHub repository script in WordPress using the WP-GitHub plugin (with customized prism.js to add PowerShell, Batch, SQL and AutoIt language support) And an example of a custom plugin (not yet published) with shortcode:
ConfigMgr and SQL – NTFS allocation unit size
It’s been many years since I read that SQL databases should use an NTFS volume formatted with at 64KB file allocation unit size (block size). So long that I didn’t remember why or if it is still considered best/good practice.
ConfigMgr Content Source Path migration
Several ConfigMgr scenarios require that the content Source Path be changed. This typically includes migrating to a new ConfigMgr environment (2007 to 2012, 2012 to Current Branch, etc.), and simply moving the source content to a new location such as
PowerShell Create-RandomFiles.ps1
I was recently taking a training course and the lab guide said “create some files in c:\stuff”. Sure, I could use Windows Explorer or Command Prompt or even a PowerShell command to do this. I guess the easiest way would
Modifying each user’s registry
A colleague of mine recently was working on a Windows image with a specific setting for Microsoft Office 2010. However, the registry key simply would not “sick” and would be stripped out at some point before the user could log
Automating “Click Continue”
A friend of mine mentioned that he expectantly spent a few hours with glazed over eyes clicking “C” on the keyboard to press “Continue” on a dialog box that was being generated a few hundred times. He quickly acknowledged that