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A customer of mine was looking for a way to verify that servers with multiple IP Addresses (mostly web severs) were configured to use a specific IP for all default communications.

SkipAsSource is a Boolean flag which allows adding new IP Addresses that should not be used for outgoing packages unless explicitly set for use by outgoing packets.

This property is not available out-of-the-box in ConfigMgr 2012 R2.  It is also not populated in the root\CIMv2 namespace; however, with a bit of help from MSDN, James Kehr, and WUtils.com I found the WMI Namespace, Class, and Property (root\StandardCIMv\MSFT_NETIPAddress\SkipAsSource)

Below is a step-by-step configuring guide to capture and report SkipAsSource in ConfigMgr 2012

Enable Inventory

To enable the custom inventory modify the Default Client Settings.

In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Administration \ Overview \ Client Settings

Right-Click Default Settings and select properties

Select Hardware Inventory, Set Classes, Add, enter root\StandardCIMv2 for the WMI namespace, enable Recursive, and select Connect


Select the MSFT_NetIPAddress class by browsing for it or entering MSFT_NETIPAddress in the inventory class.  Select OK.


Enable / select the following properties: CreationClassName, Name, SystemCreationClassName, SystemName, Caption, Description, EnabledState, InterfaceAlias, IPAddress, IPv4Address, IPv6Adress, SkipAsSource (those in bold are required)


On a SCCM client, run the Machine Policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle, wait about 2 minutes, then run a Hardware Inventory Cycle.


View Inventory

Back on the SCCM Console, navigate to Assets and Compliance \ Overview \ Devices

Right-Click the SCCM client used in testing and select Start \ Resource Explorer


If the inventory has completed processing, there will be a new node named MSFT_NetIPAddress which contains the new WMI properties.

Notice the values for Skip As Source, the IP Address, and the Interface Alias.  Great info!


Create a Report

In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the CM_<SiteCode> database and run the query:

[read-more-redirect urltext=”CatapultSystems.com” url=”https://www.catapultsystems.com/blogs/sccm-inventory-of-nic-skipassource”]

select ResourceID, InterfaceAlias0, IPAddress0, Name0 , SkipAsSource0 from CM_LAB.dbo.v_GS_MSFT_NETIPADDRESS

This will show all of the related data in the database and the same query can be used in SQL Server Reporting Services.


Create a new SQL Reporting Service report with the T-SQL above.  I did this the easy way by using another report as a starting point, opening the report in Report Builder, save it as a new name, replace the existing Dataset T-SQL and drag the new columns into the Tablix.


The report file (Computers with IP SkipAsSource Info.rdl) can be found on my public OneDrive.






Thanks, Curtis Petree for the challenge!


SCCM Inventory of IPAddress SkipAsSource
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