This is just a bit of PowerShell to make reading and filtering IIS logs quick and easy.
#.Synopsis # Convert IIS log file to CSV #.LINK # Based on # Performance inspired by ########################################################################################################### #define the ConfigMgr Distribution Point's IIS log file to parse $File = "C:\InetPub\Logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex$(Get-Date -Format yyMMdd).log" #read the 4th line in the most efficient way to generate an array of the column headers $Headers = @((Get-Content -Path $File -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4)[3].split(' ') | Where-Object {$_ -ne '#Fields:'}) Write-Output "Reading $([math]::Round($(Get-Item -Path $File).length/1mb,1)) MB file..." $FileCSV = Import-Csv -Delimiter ' ' -Header $Headers -Path $File | Where-Object {$ -notlike '#*'} $FileCSV | Out-GridView -Title "IIS log: $File"
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Easy IIS log reading for ConfigMgr